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Konnect Compliance Framework

Our Commitment to Compliance

At Konnect Network, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of compliance in our operations. We recognize the critical importance of adhering to applicable laws and regulations, as well as upholding ethical practices that guide our interactions with clients, experts, and partners.

We have established a solid compliance framework that includes:



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Clients of Konnect must adhere to our Service Agreements when using our services.

These agreements prohibit clients from asking experts to disclose sensitive information and from using Konnect’s services in ways that violate laws or their commitments to third parties.



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Konnect experts must agree to the T&Cs, confirming their ability to participate in the Konnect Network, accepting only authorized projects, and maintaining confidentiality regarding sensitive information.

Before engaging with clients, experts sign these binding T&Cs, with reminders sent prior to each interaction. Key points include guidelines for eligibility, the obligation to decline projects that present conflicts of interest, and a commitment to keep client information confidential.

Experts must inform Konnect of any new roles that could conflict with their involvement and should consult Konnect if unsure about eligibility. They can decline projects, avoid discussing their employer, and report any such requests to Konnect.



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We respect the policies of organizations that restrict external consultations on platforms like Konnect.

To enforce these policies, we maintain a Do-Not-Contact list, which includes experts or employees who are either currently registered or planning to register with Konnect Network.

Employees from companies on this list, including their subsidiaries, are blocked from participating in Konnect projects and receiving our communications.

Reporting Compliance Issues

We promote a culture of transparency and accountability.  Any compliance issues or concerns can be reported confidentially. We take all reports seriously and investigate them thoroughly, ensuring that there is no retaliation against individuals who raise concerns in good faith.

For any questions regarding our compliance policies or to report a compliance issue, please contact us at or call (+62) 813-1041-1582.

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